Ways to enlarge your penis are getting better every day. Their number is growing not only thanks to the tricks of marketers - more and more men are interested in penis enlargement methods that will help change the existing size.
Indeed, since ancient times, penis size has been a reason for their own pride.
Today, many men are interested in real ways to enlarge their penis, because the standard of size looks growing every year. Penis enlargement methods in most cases require long-term and systematic use.
How funds work

A man can choose what is best for male penis enlargement, only on the basis of understanding the basic principle of action of the means. The most effective way to increase the size of the genital organ is surgery. With its help, you can achieve a guaranteed result.
But this penis enlargement technique has some drawbacks:
- long recovery period;
- high risk of complications;
- complexity of operation;
- is quite expensive.
Therefore, in the search for a method for penis enlargement, the representatives of the stronger sex will be much more likely to consider other, alternative options.
Effective ways to enlarge the penis can be based on completely different principles of influence. The most commonly used stimulation of blood flow in the tissue of the penis, as well as stimulation of the growth of cavernous bodies. It helps to enlarge the penis by increasing the amount of blood that enters it during an erection.
The normal size of the male genital organ ranges from thirteen to eighteen centimeters in length and from two to four centimeters in diameter. With the small size of the genital organ, any methods of penis enlargement can be used.
Important thing!If the size of the erect penis is less than eight centimeters, it is considered a pathology. In this case, you should consult a doctor to talk to him about methods of penis enlargement and choose the most appropriate one.
Classification of modes

Techniques that claim they can better enlarge a man's penis than surgery should be treated with caution. Such funds usually contain a large number of components that can cause a violation of the natural metabolic processes in the human body, which can lead to the development of pathology.
Among the ways to enlarge the penis based on the increase in blood flow in the genital area are the following:
- creams and ointments, medicines;
- vacuum pump;
- baking soda containers.
Penis enlargement methods that use tissue stretching and stimulate the growth of spongy bodies include:
- wears an extension cord;
- hanging loads;
- performing certain exercises.
There is such a thing as a combined penis enlargement technique. It is based on a combination of two methods - increasing blood flow in the penis and stimulating the stretching of the corpora cavernosa. These techniques include:
- massage;
- jelqing;
- Grate baking soda.
It should be noted that the most effective way to enlarge the penis is surgery. Operations to change the size of masculinity can be performed in several ways:

- extension by ligamentotomy;
- increase in thickness by lipophilization;
- are lengthened and thickened with the use of special silicone implants;
- thickness change by bead implantation;
- head augmentation by silicone injection.
A separate group of ways to increase male dignity is to take special pills and supplements. They are used in cases when they want to avoid any direct impact on the organ itself. Such methods of penis enlargement have a large number of side effects and negative reviews about the application.
Another method of penis extension should be mentioned - the use of an extension. With their help, you can effectively change the length and width of your penis. There are a large number of attachments that aim to stimulate certain areas of the partner, which allows you to get more vivid sensations during sex. The main advantage of supplements for changing the size of the male genital organ is the complete disruption of the natural anatomy and physiology of the male.
Important thing!The use of the tips of the penis is allowed only during vaginal contact. Their use for oral and anal sex can cause injuries.
Methods to stimulate blood flow
This product category includes those techniques that help increase the blood supply in the area of application. When choosing how to increase the term, it is necessary to consider these methods.
They have their advantages:
- Prevent the formation of stagnant phenomena.The most effective penis enlargement is done with a good blood supply to the genitals. The use of these means stimulates blood flow, which not only nourishes the tissues well, but also leads to an increase in the size of the incision after use. This quick way to enlarge the penis helps to lengthen it immediately, but it will have to be used systematically to consolidate the results.
- Increasing the effectiveness of dietary supplements.Increased blood supply in the area of the penis activates the processes of absorption of useful components in the tissues. Often such an effective way to enlarge the penis is combined with taking pills or vitamins that help increase the size. The result is an increase in the length and thickness of the penis.
- Strengthening erections.This effective penis enlargement helps strengthen erections. Such techniques are recommended for men who have a weak or short erection.
- Increase sensitivity.Another aspect that contributes to penis enlargement. Increased blood flow not only increases the volume of the organ itself, but also increases the strength of sensations during sex. To achieve such an effect, when choosing the best means of penis enlargement, pay attention to the composition - it should contain herbal extracts that have a local irritant effect.

Important thing!Even the most effective special cream for increasing the size of a man's penis can cause painful sensations if used excessively on a daily basis. Therefore, it is worth strictly following the instructions for use and dosage in use to protect yourself from discomfort.
Any such technique of enlarging the genital organ by increasing blood flow requires very careful and cautious use. First, it is better to get acquainted with the video (which can be found on the Internet) about penis enlargement methods. This will help you understand how to use the product properly, choose the most appropriate one, and protect yourself from the fairly common side effects:
- bruises;
- darkening of the skin;
- decreased sensitivity;
- painful sensations;
- weakening of erection;
- hematomas and bruises.
Tissue stretching methods
By choosing how to enlarge a man's penis, you can't bypass the same direction. This actual method helps to achieve stretching of the corpora cavernosa that are full of blood when they are completely erect. The result is an increase in the volume of blood contained and, as a result, the size of the penis.
This method of penis extension has its advantages:
- Gradual stretching. Provides minimal risk of various injuries and damage. But with excessive use, this method of increasing the size of the penis can lead to a decrease in the strength of the erection and the appearance of cracks on the skin.
- This effective penis enlargement helps you save on the constant costs of creams, gels and ointments. It is enough to get acquainted with the video that describes this way of penis enlargement. But it should be noted that if the methods of such a group are abused, resizing can give an uneven result, which will lead to an increase in the length but also a decrease in the thickness of the organ.
- Availability. These simple ways to effectively enlarge your penis can be applied in any condition and do not require strict adherence to a schedule. The exception in this situation is the extender.

By choosing the most effective way to enlarge your penis, you need to assess your own capabilities - only with regular use can you get results fast enough.
In other cases, the effect of the application will appear extremely slowly and almost imperceptibly. Therefore, if a man is looking for an easy way to enlarge his penis, he must be aware of the need for systematic use to achieve results.
Combined methods
This category includes resizing products that combine blood flow stimulation and penis tissue growth. The use of such means helps to achieve fairly fast results.
There are many benefits to using them:
- Savings. These penis enlargement techniques do not require any additional costs. It only takes a little time and patience.
- Simplicity. Any way to enlarge the penis from this group is easy to perform and therefore available to every man.
- Effect manifestation. This group of methods differs not only by the rapid appearance of results, but also by their consolidation. They can be used just before sex to increase the intensity of sensations or systematically to achieve a faster effect.
Despite the above advantages, this is far from the most effective penis enlargement, because such techniques have a high risk of side effects and complications. Their use allows to achieve results quickly enough, but if used incorrectly, they can lead to complete erectile dysfunction, loss of sensitivity, and even penile injury.
Therefore, before choosing a method to increase the size of your manhood, it is better to read the actual reviews and videos.
Surgical operations

The best way to increase a member is surgery. Despite the high cost of performance, this method is used completely under medical supervision, which reduces the risk of complications and injuries. With the help of surgery, you can quickly achieve the desired effect, but usually such an intervention has a long recovery period.
Analyzing the methods to best enlarge the penis, you need to assess what kind of result a man wants to achieve. Despite the abundance of implementation methods, the wrong choice of type of intervention can lead to unintended consequences.
There are several types of the best way to enlarge the penis - surgery:
- Ligamentotomy.The essence of the intervention is to cut the ligament that connects the penis to the pubic bone. After cutting, it is pulled out of the abdominal cavity, which contributes to the enlargement of the penis. It should be noted that such an intervention allows for a change in length, but does not affect the extent of masculinity. To consolidate the results after performing a ligamentotomy, it is necessary to wear an extension for a certain time - this will help the penis to be fixed in a certain position. Wearing an extender also prevents the body of the penis from returning to the abdominal cavity - the place where the body of the penis was located is gradually tightened by the connective tissue, which allows the results to be consolidated.
- Lipophilization.This is a procedure for transferring fatty tissue under the skin to the body of the penis. Lipofilling allows you to effectively increase the thickness of the penis and does not cause complications, because your tissues are used for transplantation. The only disadvantage of lipofilling is the gradual resorption of adipose tissue during metabolic processes. This leads to the fact that lumps may appear on the penis for some time after such surgery.
- Using implants.Implants are favorably compared to lipophilization by fixed results - the volume and size obtained with their help are preserved for life. But when using implants, despite the use of hypoallergenic medical silicone, there is a possibility of rejection of the material, which will lead to inflammation and may even cause gangrene.
- Application of beads.Often men are interested in the question of whether there is a way to enlarge the penis, but not completely, but zonally. Beads are often used for this purpose. They are made of hypoallergenic material and are installed under the skin of the penis. The result of such an effective intervention is an increase in sensitivity for the partner, because the balls provide additional stimulation of the internal erogenous zones.

The choice of ways to easily increase the size of masculinity is extremely wide. Before using any tool, you should definitely look at the actual reviews to understand how easy, fast and safe you can choose.